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Praise be to Xath’kyrzian, Primordial King of the Cosmos


Terror unknown is mind unfolded before arbiter of existence.

Through blackened depths of endless cosmos The Ancient King rules from mighty throne.


The passage of eternity,

Crucible of soul,

Unraveling of being.


Is what it means to experience his presence first hand.


That which shakes the heart,

Through truth unknown,

Since birth of Void,

From chaos of first conception.


In The Tower of Stars we are educated in the nature of existence to understand the nature of creation. How all is connected through the forces of ancient chaos which form all things. We look to the attachments the elements have within ourselves to understand the influence they have throughout our lives. The elements within are reflected to co-create what we understand to be reality. The process of ascension in this Tower of Apotheosis is liberating the natural expressions of these forces to in turn liberate our natural expression; Nature unbound and undeceived.


Through this pursuit we are able to isolate and combat the bindings which constrain us.

Discovering the nature of the spirit is grasping the nature of the cosmos.




The mind beyond ignorance,

The heart beyond shame,

The spirit beyond limitation,

The flesh beyond mortality.


It is what reality imposes which deceives its co-creation throughout the Disciple. We pursue elemental conquest until the imposed order is destroyed and reality submits. As is natural before the purity of chaos. It is the strength forged through Draconian Trial which brings balance to the inner cosmos. As one can not wage war from a kingdom in disarray the heart in turmoil cannot express its fire.


“When the soul is freed through the war of inner truth, all ambition lay within your grasp.”

Lord Xath’kyrzian


Dragons are the pure expression of their universal dominions. This is what forms when the eye conceives what cannot be constrained. This truth is incomprehensible for the human mind to fully grasp. This contributes much to their historical miss-representation. For the Dragons who rule the cosmos are nothing similar to a majority of their depiction in Etherian literature. To give scale to the vastness I am alluding to. When Lord Xath’kyrzian invites someone to convene within his essence he is referring to the whole of The Outer Glade. Comparatively, humans are closer to bacteria. This world is but a jewel in the context of the multiversal war beyond the planes.


The Philosophies Spiritual Fire


Let us explore the process of manifestation further as it pertains to the structure of our lives.




All attention has the potential to become creation manifest, all depends on the self control and discipline of the Disciple in managing attention towards pure spiritual resonance. This requires an honest look at every component of the character and how such comprises the life to hone the existence towards such purity that the spirit is always nurtured and there is no opportunity for allowed as well as imposed dissonance to form and be cultivated.




Attention may entice you, consider that which is addiction. We become overcome with the temporary pleasure and release of that which is external when we should be seeking within to discover the path to fulfillment. The enemy seeks to empower this enticing nature of addiction in the distraction of spiritual ascent. Question all of your wants and truly ask yourself if such is necessary on the path to Apotheosis. If you seek to justify the existence of a habit or mannerism constantly than it is not right for you. One should aspire to remove such a distraction lest it become an avenue of dissent into a more limited existential structure.




This is where the most scrutiny should be focused as action should only reflect spiritually nurturing disciplines. Should it not, the aforementioned warnings must be taken heed. It will more than likely not be easy to re-structure ones life in freeing themselves entirely from inhibiting and limiting forms of being however it is necessary pertaining to ones Draconic evolution. All has the potential to become addicting and all has the potential to become managed. We should aspire to form habits of improvement through honest reflection so there is no force that is capable of hindering us.




The final step in this process associates with the realization of attention, in time and discipline the Disciple's life is a creation of their own self refinement. Beyond the scope of all inhibiting forces and enemy machinations which would deter. In the darkness ambition guides you. However, only the truth will set you free. Ambition pursued without direction is distraction, without understanding is self-destruction.


"Mastery of attention educates us in dominion over attachment. Mastery of attachment educates us in dominon over creation" Lord Xath'kyrzian


Awareness is the Heart of Discipline.


Consider how awareness undeceived throughout this process is able to assure one remains aligned to their path. The insidious designs of stagnation are not always what we are aware of. And it is difficult to combat an enemy you cannot comprehend. To know the self entirely one is able to properly constitute the will to push the self beyond, towards further and further standards of perfection. Know thyself, know thy limitations, and you will be more equipped to overcome them.


Self Mastery is the way.


For pain is the death of resistance and growth is the embodiment of victory.


Introductory Path-working to The Tower of Stars.

Tower of Stars

Draconic magick, primordial essence channeling,
planar knowledge, bending time and space, invoking planar forces.​


Xath’kyrzian, Primordial King of the Cosmos
Raw carnal unchained power, universal energies (a combination of
the elements), dusk, dawn
The Ancient King sits at the throne of all elemental might and refinement. It is he that molds the cosmos and equalizes the multiverse. He is the wisdom of eternity. The temperance of ambition. His guidance unto his Disciples leads infallibly unto Apotheosis. Those that heed his wisdom are those that remain eternal. Appearing as a giant of a man clad in forest green with a black cloak that takes the shape of wings as he moves about. His hair is wild and dark, reaching the middle of his back. His eyes burn with an ambition and power unseen since the Aeons walked Etheris.

Rominath, King of the Earth
Earth energies, tradition, fortitude, willpower, defensive tactics, protection, healing
Dressed in the spiritual garments of a shaman, Rominath carries
a staff constructed from obsidian. He wears tribal face paint and wears a
headdress adorned with horns and antlers.

Apophis, Queen of Death
Death, darkness, natural and magickal poison, souls (devouring and

enslaving), the end of creation, destruction of worlds
Apophis appears to me as a slender, dark-skinned woman with cold
blue eyes and silvery hair. However, a flesh-rotting poison fills her mouth
in place of saliva and bony wings emerge from her back; black leathery and
dried flesh clinging thereupon. Her hands are fair save for the talons when
replace human nails.

Vorilahk, Queen of Evil
Evil, lies, charisma, black magick, tyranny, enslavement, torture
Clad in nothing more than a loin cloth and Romanesque sandals,
Vorilahk’s body is covered by her knee-length dark hair and a black smoke
that billows up from her feet. She carries with her an iron spike with jagged
thorns protruding from around the shaft. Dark bat-like wings extend from
her spine and also serve to cover her like while serving as a shield.

Sovrinakzis, King of Virtue
Righteousness, courage, justice, spiritual strength, loyalty, honor
Sovrinakzis prefers to appear in a form that most resembles a
knightly or chivalrous sort depending on what the Disciple associates with
this idea. Otherwise, he has been seen to possess and white feathered cloak
which melds with this body to act as wings.

Varatah, King of Destruction
Fire, carnage, war, masculine energy, ungodly strength
Embodying his dominion, Varatah shows himself with very darkpigmented
skin, red burning eyes and fiery hair. His teeth are crude,
gnashing, and in two rows on the arch and bottom. He has scaled forearms
and hands, as well as both dragon wings and clawed feet. Unlike his kin,
he possesses no material wings though fire explodes from around him as he
moves with haste which resemble elongated wings thrashing about to propel

Oloum, Queen of Dreams
Dreams, nightmares, sleep, spirit sight, the third eye, bi-location
Wearing a simple deep blue dress and black gloves, Oloum disguises
her face behind a black cloth head wrap. Phantasmal wings layered like a
dragonfly shift in and out of vision as he moves and rests. The observant
eye will also notice that she never truly comes in contact with the ground;
seemingly levitating at all times.

Daganyn, King of Water
Water, ice, solitude, wisdom, scholarship, discernment
Unlike his kin, Daganyn appears with a serpentine body, man’s torso,
tentacles for arms and bears the heads of a goat, a man, and a snake. He
typically speaks from the human head despite the raspy tone and frightful
appearance of the head seemingly mummified.

Quor-i’zoth, Queen of the Crossroads
Time, space, reincarnation, teleportation, stealth, portals, planar travel
With both flesh, hair, and eyes all as white as snow, she is offset by
a highly detailed dress fit for a tribal queen. Around her, small incorporeal
beasts fade in and out of existence. Her tone is soft and inviting, though
be warned not to succumb to it for many Disciples will find themselves
entranced and lose track of days or weeks.

Nazvyr-saphra, Queen of the Air
Air, wind, speed, feminine energy, flight, languages
Clad in form-fitting attire, she rides upon a black dragon whose
name is “Nox” who takes her with blinding speed wherever she desires. A
crown made of crystal protrudes from beneath her flesh as if bound to her

Naribel, Queen of Tempests

The embodiment of natural disasters, the chaos of nature given draconian form.

Druzilahk, King of Nightmares

Druzilahk dwells in the dark reaches of the oneiro. Nightmares and fears come to life under the command of the Nightmare Serpent. Black oneiromancy is taught as is the means to discern ones greatest fears.

Kodilachi, Queen of the Mists

Dwelling between light and darkness. Kodilachi is a Dragoness of the mists and shadows. Through her one is educated in the aspects of invisibility, obscuring, defeating scrying and mastering the art of scrying, divination, and spiritual perception.

Ozilude/Ozkridahn, King of the Inferno

He is a mighty beast of fire, power, courage, triumph, and destruction. In Ithalembor his cult prayed to him to conquer in all competition. He knows well the arts which sway the tides of war, how to remove the barriers of one's life, the cultivation of personal development and ascension.

Pathworking available for the purposes of education.

"The resonance and alignment of the believer is what sanctifies ritual conduct beyond the corruption of opposition."



Vow of Apotheosis

This begins to awaken The Draconic Form and begins the process of becoming the limitless self. Lessons, tests, and trials begin from this point to guide the Disciple truly along this path. At every point unraveling the designs of The Blind One as education is further guarded from opposition. The Disciple is to sit with the Grand Seal of Lord Xath’kyrzian and state the words, "Thur'ket tii-neru heccit ni niwem" (Thoor-ket Tee Neroo Heh-Seet Nee Nee-wem) while blood anointing the Grand Seal. These words are to continue as a chant rising in fervor and intensity until an apex is reached. This brings forth The Nameless God The Mother Abyss and The Tower of Stars.


The Disciple is then to state, “I (craft name/name in Apotheosis) call out to The Tower of Stars and ask that you guide my path. Xath'kyrzian, Primordial King of the Cosmos, Rominath, King of the Earth, Apophis, Queen of Death, Vorilahk, Queen of Evil, Sovrinakzis, King of Virtue, Varatah, King of Destruction, Oloum, Queen of Dreams, Daganyn, King of Water, Quor'i-zoth, Queen of the Crossroads, Nazvyr-saphra, Queen of the Air, Naribel, The Tempest, Druzilahk, The Nightmare Serpent, Kodilachi, Queen of the Mists, Ozilude/Ozrikahn Serpent of the Inferno. May I bring honor to you Draconic Kings and Queens in my attainment of Apotheosis. Hence forth I dedicate myself to this path and vow with all of my heart and soul.. (state vow in your own words).”


If these words are true to the Disciple and not dishonest, blessings and guidance tailored to this vow shall be bestowed.












Seal of Primordial Authority

Use this when opening a Grand/Tower Seal to empower your operations.


Cosmic Balance


In utilization, this technique identifies imbalance and equalizes all components of the Disciple's being while bestowing tranquility. Chanting the words, "Ke'knaa Duul" (Kee-na Dool) bestows this balance. Dedication cultivates permanence. With practice imbalance may be slayed absolutely by stating these words aforementioned with the full force of the will. This balances all energies and aspects of the Disciple.


Self Awareness


How much impairment do you believe you have suffered as a result of your own doing? This answer may surprise you. Dis-creation begins the process of getting us properly equipped to address our creations of imbalance. For this is a pre-requisite for Apotheosis.


To become aware of creations, beneficial and detrimental, the Disicple is to state the word, "Enduul" (In-dool) with absolute might or chant the word in rising intensity. This shows one how to address creations which are detrimental. Considering imbalance is the reason why self-sabotaging forms are given life awareness and understanding of how The Ego, Shadow, and Wah'sh function relative to each other is triggered additionally.




By stating the words "Ar-seto in'tan ee rim'so" does the Disciple facilitate the entire process of Dis-creation along side their own efforts. This process is universal and can be applied to any creation that needs be unraveled. The less you inhibit the context of application the less limitation you will co-create in execution.



Mudra: Bend the ring finger inwards and place the thumb underneath.

[You may be guided to hold a separate mudra with your free hand. This corresponds to inner blocks this process will guide you to address.]

By holding this mudra and stating, "    I ask for the protection and guidance of The King of the Earth" is one attuned to this magickal system. Holding this mudra in meditation is the invocation of the protective structures necessary for an infallible Draconian Guard. Parallel to education these shields guard universally throughout all circumstance.


In meditation this system additionally raises the Kundalini of the Disciple, cleanses their bodies, releases all negativity from them, and balances all of their energies in the process infallibly.


While holding the mudra and stating the word "Ha'cal" (Hah-sal) opens fully the limitless interpretations of Draconian and Shaitanic energies to the Disciple for the purpose of creating protective structures and defensive measures. That which is intended and set forth thereafter by the Disciple is constructed flawlessly through the guidance and direction of Rominath, King of the Earth. By stating the word of power "Ha'vat" (Hah-vat) once again with the mudra still held is this is solidified. All blockages, limitation, doubt, and negativity in the way of manifestation of the creation is made known to the Disciple while it is dis-created without mercy automatically. The more the Disciple uses this the more capable they become in removing blockages, limitation, doubt, and negativity. In time fortification may be constructed through thought alone.


While holding the mudra and chanting the word, "Hacavala" (hah-sah-vah-lah) brings forth universal protection perfect for the Disciple.



In utilization this bestows what will become in dedication permanent awareness over the creations of the Disciple that are have been and will be. In granting awareness this breaks down at the fundamental level all that composes said creations. This technique is designed to function harmoniously with the steps of creation. Regarding attention, intention, action, and creation.


Further, through dedication with this process the Disciple is granted absolute control over all they place their attention on, all that their intention is, and perfect knowledge of the source of all of their actions.


Summoning a Draconic Familiar


After drawing out the Seal of Summoning a Dragon Familiar and surrounding such with three black candles anointed with blood the Disciple is to chant the words, "Hiz Ahs Ots Een." This brings forth the perfect Draconic Familiar for the Disciple.


Thereafter by stating, "I, (craft name) welcome you into my spirit and life. Join me as we are meant to be joined. I ask that you assist me on this path that my Apotheosis may be made inevitable." This process additionally fully invokes the chosen Patron/ess of the Disciple into them to remove all that would inhibit their progress further. By holding a blood anointed stone or crystal in the left hand during this process may a vessel for this familiar be created.




Elemental Scholarship


This technique assists the Disciple in understanding elements, nature, and how all are connected. The Disciple must have a representation before them or a strong means by which they can visualize and experience the element they desire to understand. In meditation the Disdciple is to state, “I seek to understand the element of ___, Kneezack Omelia” (Knee-zak Om-el-ee-ah) while they visualize and/or experience the element as strongly and vividly as possible. When stated the element is channeled and brought forth through the Disciple.


With dedication one will only need to visualize the element in question to facilitate every functionality of this technique.


Cosmic Discovery

Mudra: Thumb rests atop middle and ring finger bent inwards


As we strive to face eternity we must first establish infallible stability. This technique is truly a gift by which a state of cosmic stability and intimate understanding of the self is established. That it is unshakable before any. All the Disciple must do is hold this mudra after blood anointing their middle and ring fingers and state, "In and beyond existence, throughout the expanses of infinity I call upon Draconic Might and embrace the Absolute." Thereafter the Disciple is bestowed multiversal stability and balance. In the process of meditation the Disciple is shown the secrets and mysteries pertaining to them which are most requisite for their Apotheosis.




By stating the words "Soo nee'aht rem tan" (Soo kne aht rem tann) does the Disciple facilitate the entire process of creation along side their own efforts. Look to the process of creation aforementioned to further your control in this process.


The Essence of Magick


The education this technique facilitates is assimilation of understanding. Understanding over the essence of all magick. For in The Tower of Stars we learn how all magickal systems and iterations are born and utilized in application. This understanding is bestowed unto the Disciple who carves the symbol of infinity into a black candle, anoints such with their blood, visualizes breathing fire upon it, and then lighting it and stating, "Within the depths of all possibility, may enlightenment reach me Eniach Tethsin Lithinia" (Ee-nee-ach Teth-sin Lee-Theen-Ee-Ah)


This delivers to the Disciple an education in magick and how they may wield such without limitation interpretation. In the process of this the Disciple is delivered inspiration most resonant with their path. The Disciple is to meditate with this candle for ten minutes minimum. Throughout the course of dedicated meditation, when this candle is burned out the Disciple is to place a piece of it into a black bag anointed with their blood and chant one mala of “Eniach” underneath a new moon to solidify the education. It is recommended that this sachet be a Spirit Bag. The remainder of the candle pertaining to the energies therein are to be offered to your Patron or Patroness of Stars and left out in nature.






This process is that of understanding the true self and removing detrimental inhibition. The Disciple must anoint the third eye with blood at dawn, anoint a Grand Seal of Xath'kyrzian with the same blood, kneel, and state, "Mighty Father of Dragons and Ancient King I (craft name) seek to understand who I am meant to be. I humbly ask you to show me the truth I have yet to discover" This delivers beyond all doubt reason and limitation unto the Disciple perfect understanding of their true self. This must be performed for ten mornings in a row. At dusk of each of these days one mala minimum of, "Elinte Ve'thria" (Ee-lin-tee Veh-three-ah) is to be chanted. On the eleventh day the Disciple is to burn the Grand Seal of Xath'kyrzian, rub it all over their body, (focusing on the main seven chakras) meditate for 20 minutes while reflecting on all that you are and all that you are to become. Then wash it from yourself at dusk. This finalizes the process.


Draconic Healing


This path is existentially challenging, of this there is no dispute. Therefore, the means to heal can be most valuable for the Disciple embarking upon the Draconic Path to Apotheosis. To begin, you will focus entirely on that which needs healing. Bring your awareness to it entirely.


Stating the words, "Ah'zhet He'na" (Ah-zet Hee-kna) to bring forth the whole of the injury, disease, poison or malady focused upon to the fore of the consciousness. With training the Disciple will be able to comprehend and understand injury, disease, poison, and/or malady intuitively.


Now seek objectiveness in observing the focus of healing.


Chanting the words, Tinta Nilu" has the functions of comprehending the existence of the injury, disease, poison, or malady relative to the Disciple while they are healed of such. Indication of progress is the removal of its burdens upon your perception. Continue chanting focusing on overwriting the existence of the subject of healing and you will be free of it.


In the process of chanting this the Disciple's perception of that which is focused on is removed by the chant. This is additional indication of healing's progression.


By placing a bowl or chalice of liquid atop of gravel and placing a drop of blood within such while this process is undergone the liquid is empowered. Altering its molecular structure entirely to facilitate the full healing of the individual upon ingestion. This technique and all of its functionalities may be utilized to assist others as well without limit to application. The individual will instead visualize the target instead of themselves.





The enemy may appear mighty, but for the devoted Maergzjiran their illusions are unfolded.


In utilization the Disciple is guided in completely destroying that which the focus of application is. In manner that promotes learning and advancement. Inner limitation is unraveled in the process pertaining to that which is necessary to destroy. For each chant one is to focus on destroying their target despite all that would work against them.


Stating the words, "Cil Cen Yim" (Seal Sin Yim) before stating that which is the focus of destruction encompass' the whole of the variables associated with such that the Disciple may better understand it and apply the chants more precisely. All chants remove attachment to the individual that the Disciple has and encourages objectivity when embarking upon destruction.


To destroy the career of the target one must chant the word, "Yistha Netul" (Yes-tha Net-ool) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy the finances of the target one must chant the word, "Biituel Weet" (Bee-two-el Weet) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy the relationship(s) of the target one must chant the word, "Jir'neta" (Jeer Neta) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy the fortune of the target one must chant the word, "Llinta" (Leen-ta) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy the happiness of the target one must chant the word, "Keruth NAN" (Kir-ooth) Nan in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy all fulfillment of the target one must chant the word, "Rechtyin" (Res'hit'yin) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached.


To destroy an enemy entirely one must chant the word, "Dissun'detVin" (Dis-oon-det Vin) in rising intensity until the apex of application is reached. This must be done while making a blood offering to Varatah, The One Who Maketh The Mountains Bleed in complete darkness. The Disciple must meditate before a single candle before chanting and immerse themselves within the element of fire while they do this.


By stating the words, "The Nameless God & Satan I call upon you to join me in this work of destruction". The Nameless God and The Adversary is invoked into the Disciple to guide them in their work and empower their dark ambition.


"Do not allow the products of creation distract from its art"

The Ancient King

It is common to connect to higher realms for the processes of creativity. This is why we feel a longing, almost a memory, for what lay beyond this world. Triggered through the innovations of creativity that have inspired us to dare.

From this let us consider what has brought us beyond the impositions of impossibility. That have driven us to reach and to strive in the pursuit of all which this world would deny.


Ya Xath'kyrzian!



Expressions stolen and published in Rites of the Thirteen Tongues. Including but not limited to the following.

Blood of Eternal Fire

Mye Zahk Sah Thahn Rohs

Whispered reverently

This technique is best understood through seeing the blood as a flame and physical exertion as its oxygen. You move the whisper through your blood to influence your skeletal and muscular systems. Ripping your muscles is akin to adding a log to the fire. The more you move forward with this in execution the more influence is manifested. Best when used in between sets in reverence to Varatah, King of Destruction. As the mountain bleeds in rebellion to the constraints of nature rebuke your weakness in rebellion to the constraints of mortality. In discipline your will becomes an inferno through these operations. You will begin to notice that physical discipline unravels and rebukes mental and physical bindings.

Crushing Aura


Stated in sets of three to invoke the mind-state elaborated upon below.


The Ancient Draconic Deities are imposing beyond human comprehension. Presence alone is enough to break the mind and shatter the constitution of existence. Keep this in mind when training through the operations of The Tower of Stars. If you cannot understand that there is only humility before them, then you will never be able to properly learn from them. Crushing Aura bestows this imposing aura in accommodation of the will of the sorcerer who is devoted to the art. As Vorilahk, Queen of Evil specializes in Black Magick this additionally bestows an intimate understanding of the mind-state and spiritual prowess necessary to execute our operations with vicious efficiency.

Cosmic Overload

Aquath (Ah-koo-ahth), Sendresztii (Sehn-dreh sh-tee), Kyvor
(Kye-vorr), Arvaraktes (Arr-vah-rahk-tees), Zendykoth (Zehn-dih-kaw th)

Finality of will is achieved definitively through the might of The Ancient King. This operation is a universal explosion of might through which all cosmic bodies kneel. A vessel that is commanded beyond all stagnation is required to unleash the full potential of this. Reality unfolds before his ancient authority. It is the universal dominions of The Ancient King which accommodates the manifestation and conclusion of all ritual.


One who understands the grace of his majesty is one who comprehends the mysteries of the cosmos.

"Stagnation washes against the mind as tides of the sea. If we are not fortified in discipline, as rocks of the shore, there is degradation. Vigilance is the only path to freedom."

King Daganyn

draconic familiar.PNG

©2019-2025 by Muldegrin, Infernal Academia, The Secret Fire. All knowledge contained herein is the sole property of Muldegrin. All rights reserved.

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