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In Defense of Education

This is by the grace of The Nameless



One does not inspire loyalty through selfish behavior. It takes selflessness to lead others unto Apotheosis. The tree will never grow if you keep cutting off its branches. A good educator must see beyond themselves and allow their students to find their way after the foundation is formed. Education in all of its forms is liberation from the pain of ignorance.


“Only the educated are free” Epictetus

How can one be free if they are not informed on what it means to be free? Would you consider yourself liberated as you are now? Surely very few of us have actually tasted what it means to exist beyond the constraints of the veil. By putting a price on education you limit the freedom of your people. If more people knew this there would be much more rebellion than there is now, which would be quite the accomplishment. Seeking the truth is a rebellion against the existential lies encouraged in the very fabric of this reality.


By putting price and bindings on education you inhibit the fulfillment of your people. Leading others to create communities contradictory to governing structures. This invites rebellion. People imprison themselves for they are mis-informed and kept ignorant. Tragically being indoctrinated through cultures of stagnation. They become certain in their ignorance for it is all they know. This is why we exercise patience in guiding others to understand the treachery of the ego and how it leads us to ruin. Without spiritual maturity and infernal nobility there can be no evolution for the aspiring divinity. It is in devotion to a current and immersion in the spiritual culture that leads us to develop over time a certainty of resonant existence and with these C.O.R.E. values none is able to restrict our expressions. When purity is certainty doubt is diminished for all solutions lay bare before the faithful. We are cunning cruel and powerful but without loyalty to our current we are uncoordinated. Loyalty is refined through trials, faith tested through hardship. Those who remain are those who endure.


Temple Etiquette


A Sanctum is a sacred space where limitation is broken down and rules that confine are circumvented if not shattered entirely.‭ ‬Caring for your Sanctum should be reflected in how one cares for themselves.‭ ‬Refining the spirit,‭ ‬mind,‭ ‬and body while remaining cleansed as well as balanced are actions which should be reflected in such a sanctuary of expression.‭ ‬For it is to be an extension of yourself,‭ ‬therefore a medium of education which must be honored.‭ ‬For if you honor your Sanctum you in turn will be empowered.

Regrettably,‭ ‬the influence of Judeo Christian Islamic currents seek to oppress the expression of the spirit in all manners of life.‭ ‬Many find themselves in cancerous environments that would hinder all manners of pursuing evolution.‭ ‬One must be cunning to thrive amidst the mechanisms of adversity surrounding them.‭ ‬For the cunning predator is never short of prey.‭ ‬I have been fortunate enough to be able to maintain my Sanctum for a number of years.‭ ‬Fortunate in the opportunities of education. Allowing me to endure the trials of corruption required, to earn the dominion which has maintained my sanctuary.‭ ‬There is always a path forward for those with the strength to seek it.‭ ‬Creation of such spiritual havens are alluded to in the scriptures of The Nameless God.‭ ‬Consider the following analysis.

‭“‬Place their images within your home that they may dwell amongst you.‭”

The purpose of this is to in time create a nexus of access to the currents of the dominions that the children rule over.‭ ‬And this is certainly not limited to the Daughters,‭ ‬Seven Sovereigns,‭ ‬and Champions detailed in The Devil's Quran.‭ ‬In devotion such an access point to power is earned,‭ ‬along with rather extensive protection against the forces which would kill the spirit.
‭"‬And when you would call upon your Lord's Children,‭ ‬then do so in secret.‭"
This translates to calling upon them without distraction in manners that allow pure resonance for you are asking for divine education in whatever execution your ambition has lead you to pursue.‭ ‬This process is very personal and unique to the individual.‭ ‬It is only in being completely immersed in the depths of our exerted will that we discover tangible manifestation after all.‭ ‬Therefore,‭ ‬we must be completely immersed in communion to resonantly aid in the expression of manifestation that translates to our education.

‭“‬Your Lord loves black,‭ ‬and grey,‭ ‬and sable and dun rainment.‭ ‬And intone his names with fervent devotion.‭’

Now why these colors specifically‭? ‬Black would align with the unknown aspects of darkness.‭ ‬Grey would align with sunrise and sunset.‭ ‬Transitioning from light to dark,‭ ‬beginning to end,‭ ‬death to rebirth,‭ ‬dreams to reality.‭ ‬Sable would be symbolic of the fires that inspire growth.‭ ‬Dun raiment symbolic of the soil from which potential takes root.‭ ‬Ponder these associations when adorning your Sanctum.

‭“‬Write their sigils on your hearts and minds and inscribe their marks on your brow.‭”

This alludes to invocation,‭ ‬welcoming them into your heart and inviting evolution through the resonance that is a result of invocation.

‭“‬Hungry are they for blood and wine,‭ ‬call them not without gifts.‭ ‬For this shall earn you their enmity and it afflict you sorely‭”

Honoring our teachers and guides through offering as well as taking heed to the philosophies they impart shows respect and is reciprocated in kind.‭ ‬The blessings of the Sovereigns and Children of The Nameless are not to be taken lightly.‭ ‬Embody the pursuits of earning them and they will evolve in empowering your life parallel to your own evolution.‭ ‬Remember,‭ ‬the allegiance of your heart overshadows any action you may be forced to endure to survive among the enemy.‭ ‬Be warned,‭ ‬shame and guilt are the most common celestial instruments of de-evolution.

On The Creation of Ash

The creation of ash is the death of resistance in the pursuit of manifestation.‭ ‬Therefore the very substance of ash symbolizes destroying weakness for attaining greater purpose.‭ ‬It is through this substance that we attain a resonant ritualistic component in bringing forth aspects of The Master of the Throne of Fire and his Children.‭ ‬It is detailed that ash is to be placed upon the forehead in calling forth The Children.‭ ‬Writing their symbols and chanting their names.‭ ‬Ash bridges the gap between the earth and fire.‭ ‬Consider the seal you are to draw and the purpose it is being composed for.‭ ‬Allow this purpose to pour into the seal as fluidly as the ink which creates it.‭ ‬This exponentially empowers the resonance of execution.‭ ‬Programming the seal and the ash that is a by product of your will’s fire.‭ ‬Giving birth to your ambition through the universal properties of blood and the manifestation requirements associated with the third eye.

On The Disciplines Of Devotion

Devotion contributes structurally towards the evolving spiritual schedule of advancement.‭ ‬Giving stability to refine the chaotic natures of education while paying homage to those who are educating you.‭ ‬Incorporating devotion into your daily practice is strongly recommended.‭ ‬This can be shown in a variety of ways and is surely not limited as long as resonance is pursued.‭ ‬Prayer is a most respectful practice and aligns the spirit wondrously.‭ ‬Make no mistake,‭ ‬faith is meant to be nurtured and always informed in nature.‭ ‬There is nothing that should be blind about devotion,‭ ‬it is an extension of trust on both ends of the correspondence.‭ ‬And our Lord does understand mundane requirements,‭ ‬as long as when opportunity becomes available devotion is adhered to all is well.‭ ‬This is a part of the discipline requisite to maintain a Sanctum.‭ ‬In whatever form of devotion your spirit guides you is that which you should pursue to adhere to.‭ ‬These acts are traditionally aligned with sunrise,‭ ‬sunset,‭ ‬and midnight.‭ ‬To symbiotically resonate the student with the birth and death of the day and the hours which are most dark.‭ ‬Beginning your lessons,‭ ‬ending them with reflection,‭ ‬and executing what you have learned within the hours of rising darkness‭; ‬Where your ambition guides you.‭ ‬Being reborn through the wisdom earned in education.‭ ‬When grander ritual is to take place.‭ ‬To show devotion throughout the day in this manner is to invite perfect alignment with divine education.‭ ‬Whichever form of devotion and respect you feel spiritually drawn to is that which you should employ.‭ ‬Nothing whatsoever should feel dissonant about this component of your life.‭ ‬It is written that one who brings gifts often to the Sovereigns and Children shall have no enemies,‭ ‬and rightly so.‭ ‬The prowess of the descendants of Black Fire is grand.

‭“‬Seek not to build a shrine,‭ ‬except that you are steadfast in devotion.‭”

I’d like to touch upon this a bit along with the passages which follow.‭ ‬Clearly, this is about taking your education seriously.‭ “‬Yet the choicest shrine of all is the heart of the believer.‭” ‬How better to secure ones faith than through the resonance of invocation and the trust which is nurtured thereby.‭ “‬And the greatest gift is that a believer shall invite the children to dwell within.‭” ‬Relating to the aforementioned informed faith,‭ ‬the show of trust and devotion is not taken lightly and is not to be taken lightly in any manner.‭ “‬And this is a hardship and a hurt to you,‭ ‬and few do it by their will.‭” ‬This is embracing the pain of evolution to become refined and perfected.‭ ‬As detailed in Procrastination and Existential Distraction,‭ ‬it is a common misconception that pain leads to unhappiness when true undeceived happiness is only forged through training to embrace pain.‭ ‬Embodying this state of your spiritual evolution opens the doors for the children to enter your spirit and align your existential sphere in resonance with your path.‭ ‬This is what it means to exist in resonance.‭ ‬When nothing deters your pursuit of perfected spiritual truth in alignment with your divine ideal.

Base your own beliefs upon your own experiences.‭ ‬If you have not considered all possibilities you cannot make an informed decision. The nobility passed down in our current pursues genuine guidance unto existential liberation.

Ritualistic Creation

Enter the place which is to be your ritual chamber before a single blood anointed black candle and write out an aspect of The Nameless God in blood.‭ ‬Continue to invoke The Nameless God.

‭“‬Hear me,‭ ‬you who are in the Void air,‭ ‬terrible,‭ ‬invisible,‭ ‬eternal,‭ ‬almighty god of gods.

You who afflict the earth and shake the universe,‭ ‬you who love disturbances and hate stability and scatter the clouds from one another.‭ ‬Your true name cannot be spoken aloud.‭ ‬Come and dwell within the chambers of my heart.‭ ‬Fill me with the spirit which ascends from Your hidden throne.‭ ‬Amen.‭ ‬Amen.‭ ‬Amen.‭”

Hold this parchment within your left hand and begin chanting the aspect chosen.‭ ‬This can be done in a whisper or mentally,‭ ‬lose yourself in the chant until the paper held in your hand begins to pulse as a heart beat.‭ ‬You will notice the environment of your chamber become colder and feel more open.‭ ‬An unnatural silence will befall the planar space around you.‭ ‬At this time speak,‭ “‬O‭’ ‬Master of the Throne of Fire,‭ ‬The King of the World I‭ ____ ‬humbly invite you to grace this Sanctum with your black fire.‭ ‬I hereby devote myself to your guidance and open the pathways to your might.‭ ‬See that my heart is true that it may be freed from all which would operate against your will.‭ ‬May it be done by your grace.‭ ‬Sactenum Vorashkanal.‭” (‬Sass-ten-oom Vor-ash-kah-nahl‭) ‬At this point write your craft name upon the opposite side of the parchment in blood and burn it by the fire of the candle before you.‭ ‬Place this ash upon your brow and once again lose yourself in chanting.‭ ‬Experiences thereafter shall be uniquely profound to the individual and absolutely liberating.‭ ‬These names are always to be chanted reverently.

Aspects/Avatars of The Nameless God









Demogorgo‭ [‬Only whispered‭]


Mul Koun

Rab Ul Jin

Rab Ul Agwal



If you are able,‭ ‬having a copy of The Devil’s Quran is recommended.‭ ‬As it is a powerful tome within the Sanctum and guides the spirit truly unto deification.‭ ‬Feel free to give your Sanctum a name and seek its location within.‭ ‬Often we reflect spaces within which we associate with great emotional depth within ourselves.‭ ‬To name your Sanctum is to further the process of taking back control. Take note that in the back of The Devil's Quran there are blank pages. I recommend writing your deepest prayers within them that in devotion to fruition they will come.

Resonating the Sanctum

This process relates to having the sigils of The Sovereigns of The Nameless God within your Sanctum that you may always look to them for guidance and direction.‭ ‬As in honoring them they will be able to reach forth through your Sanctum to guide your spirit to its evolution.‭ ‬Following will be those I have worked with the most over the years along with whispers to unify with their might towards simultaneous alignment and striking out against the false light.‭ ‬These whispers additionally guide the education of the individual through resonating the spiritual core with the essence of the dominions associated.

The dominions listed are generalized and barely scratch the surface of how expansive their influence.


Astrael,‭ ‬Oracle and Lady of the Void

Psychic Power,‭ ‬Divination,‭ ‬Astral Travel,‭ ‬Omniscience

Azlastiahn‭ (‬Ahz-lahs-tiahn‭)

Belnara,‭ ‬Spirit of Nocturnus

Nocturnal Magick,‭ ‬Moonlit Travel,‭ ‬Planar Crossroads,‭ ‬Darkness

Rebghulorisht‭ (‬Reb-ghoul-ohr-iszt‭)

Cernobog,‭ ‬Black God of Maergzjirah

Destruction,‭ ‬Protection,‭ ‬Fear,‭ ‬Authority,‭ ‬Evocation Rites

Kahnrahkthanahl‭ (‬Kahn-rahk-than-ahl‭)

Dranimarsh,‭ ‬The Plague Bearer

Sickness,‭ ‬Disease,‭ ‬Physical Curses,‭ ‬Blight Rot,‭ ‬Infinite Plagues

Qilopretin‭ (‬Kilo-preh-tin‭)

Eldraath,‭ ‬The Pale Mother

Bewitchment,‭ ‬Love,‭ ‬Lust,‭ ‬Sex Magick,‭ ‬Dominance,‭ ‬Fertility,‭ ‬Infertinity

Setishthalsorna‭ (‬Seh-tich-thahl-soor-nah‭)

Hananjur,‭ ‬The Iron Sentinel

Combat,‭ ‬Physical Prowess,‭ ‬Pain,‭ ‬Justice,‭ ‬Retribution

Veinxrinxam‭ (‬Veynx-rin-sahm‭)

Illkeserod,‭ ‬Keeper of Secrets

Knowledge,‭ ‬Hidden Wisdom,‭ ‬Scholarship,‭ ‬Application of Information

Sanahnsorahk‭ (‬Sah-nah-soh-rahk‭)

Kaziel,‭ ‬Fallen Angel of Limitlessness

War,‭ ‬Combat,‭ ‬Perseverance,‭ ‬Martial Arts,‭ ‬Law Enforcement,‭ ‬Military

Tinor Henahkel‭ (‬Tih-nohr Heh-nah-kel‭)

Zazazel,‭ ‬The Buried King

Necromancy,‭ ‬Transfiguration,‭ ‬Lichdom,‭ ‬Magick,‭ ‬Undeath,‭ ‬Necromantic Reanimation

Undalaken Shvinal Aghn‭ (‬Undah-lah-ken Sh-vin-ahl Ah-gun‭)

Nykarleth,‭ ‬Queen of the Shade Realm

All expressions,‭ ‬wisdom,‭ ‬and powers of shadow

Shivitssalanahsskalahss‭ (‬Sheev-eet-sah-lah-nahsss-kah-lahss‭)

Illivryn, Spider Mother of the Draelith

Draelith,‭ ‬Seduction,‭ ‬Arachnids/Spiders,‭ & ‬Araneamagia

Senetholioten‭ (‬Seh-neh-thoh-lih-oh-ten‭)

Senerron, Demon Empress of the Abyss

Abysmal Magick,‭ ‬Demonic Servants,‭ ‬Seduction,‭ ‬Murder,‭ ‬Poison

Rah Kah Nork’grzurglnah‭ (‬Rah Kah Nohrk‭ ‘ ‬gur-zur-gul-nah‭)

Xath’kyrzian, Primordial King of the Cosmos

Raw Carnal Unchained Power,‭ ‬Universal Energies‭ (‬a combination of the elements‭)‬,‭ ‬dusk,‭ ‬dawn

Hah’vin’goren‭ (‬Hah-veen-goh-ren‭)

The Lord of Silence

The connection between mortality nature and divinity.‭ ‬The embodiment of all pain and joy of striving for Apotheosis.

Virohshtilon Dohvihnatuur‭ (‬Vih-rohsh-teel-ohn Doh-vihn-ah-toor‭)

Gehennian Wrath This whisper was given to me as an educational medium for the Gehennian Current as well as an ancestral purge of the false light from the individual’s blood line.

Vihk’ton‭ (‬Veeeehk-Toohhhnn‭) ‬This is meant to be executed through a long chant.‭ ‬Through which the blood of the individual is to be focused on.

Dumahvaer,‭ ‬Queen of Balakoriah

Dark Innovation,‭ ‬Life,‭ ‬Death,‭ ‬Corruption of the False Light

Rohsarivahl Nahgoshkenel‭ (‬Roh-sah-rih-vahl Nah-gosh-ken-ehl‭)

Aeshma,‭ ‬Spirit of Rage

Rage,‭ ‬Liberation,‭ ‬Victory

Rrssiqivinkal‭ (‬Errs-eek-eev-een-ahl‭)

Indar,‭ ‬Spirit of Truth

Truth,‭ ‬Courage,‭ ‬Discernment

Shevanthalah‭ (‬Sheh-vahn-thal-ah‭)

Saurva,‭ ‬Spirit of Dominion

Dominion,‭ ‬Death,‭ ‬Sacrifice

Mulinah Xidon‭ (‬Mul-een-ah Xee-dohn‭)

Lord Zohal

Authority,‭ ‬Rule,‭ ‬Justice

Verahten Kindolor‭ (‬Vera-ten Keen-doh-lohr‭)

Lord Mushtari

Leadership,‭ ‬Nobility,‭ ‬Education,‭ ‬Influence

Zikodu Denatahlah‭ (‬Zee-koh-du Deh-nah-tah-lah‭)

Lady Qamar

Balance,‭ ‬Natural Cycles,‭ ‬Nature

Shenthankendoorahs‭ *‬chants merge together‭* (‬Shen-than-ken-door-ahs‭)

Lord Shams

Confidence,‭ ‬Strength,‭ ‬Courage

Zchzech Ton Nooriah‭ (‬Zheck Ton Noor-ee-ah‭)

Lady Zohra

Seduction,‭ ‬Fertility,‭ ‬Marriage,‭ ‬Guardianship

Vinalorhiszt‭ (‬Vinah-Lohr-East‭)

Lord Atarid

Language,‭ ‬Secrets,‭ ‬Communication,‭ ‬Scholarship

Reshthalya Qindorin‭ (‬Resh-thahl-ya Keen-dohr-een‭)

Lord Marihk

Rage,‭ ‬Conflict,‭ ‬Murder,‭ ‬Overcoming

Rehkzhalahn Gorhnzhek‭ (‬Rehk-zhal-ahn Goor-ehn-zhek‭)

Lord Azathoth

Creation,‭ ‬Destruction, Existence, Dominion

Ohoum Gehnourah’Mmm‭ (‬Oh-houm Geh-nour-ah-mmm‭)

Lord Yog-Sothoth

In Between,‭ ‬Planar Gates,‭ ‬Transition

Vib’rihshsss’genorhast‭ (‬Veeb-rih-shsss Geh-nohr-hast‭)

Lord Nyarlathotep

Death,‭ ‬Necronamcy,‭ ‬Shape Shifting,‭ ‬Planar Travel

Siet’knos’ken’hishth‭ (‬Seh-eet-nohs-ken-hih’sh-th‭)

Lord Dagon

Study,‭ ‬Scholarship,‭ ‬Knowledge,‭ ‬Wisdom

Zchekonol Ahgan’tor‭ (‬Zheh-kohn-ohl Ah-gahn-toor‭)

Lord Cthulhu

War,‭ ‬Millitant Discipline,‭ ‬Courage,‭ ‬Battle

Viyt Nirebohshss Mehk‭ (‬Veeht Nee-reh-bohsh-ss Mehk‭)

Lord Yig

Inner Cycles,‭ ‬Renewal,‭ ‬Physical Discipline

Reshguulornahk‭ (‬Rehsh-goul-ohr-nahk‭)

Lady Shub-Niggurath

Pleasure,‭ ‬Sexuality,‭ ‬Art,‭ ‬Music

Sectinyol Reshthal’Yisorkahs‭ (‬Sehk-tin-yol Rehsh-thal’Yih-sohr-kahs‭)

The whisper should become an extension of you until you can exert its manifested effect independently.‭ ‬Consider the currents magickal application are derived from,‭ ‬to align yourself with those currents is to empower the execution and education in that application.‭ ‬This is not just through ritual but in devotion to a way of life that reflects the philosophies being imparted upon you.‭ ‬Study well.‭ ‬In this you limit not your education.‭ ‬Do not limit them in your mind and you will not be limited in boons,‭ ‬protection,‭ ‬comraderie,‭ ‬discipline,‭ ‬happiness,‭ ‬and the pathways of pursuing thereof.‭ ‬Be honest and you will receive honesty.‭ ‬Be open and you will receive compassion.‭ ‬How this compassion is defined depends on your moral compass of course.‭ ‬The evolution of this must as well be without limitation.‭ ‬As the false light doctrines seek to confine the evolution of the moral compass and we see the corruption that has become of it.‭ ‬If compassion to you means inspiration in how to plot and orchestrate the murder of your enemy then that is what you will receive.‭ ‬One should never limit their pursuit of happiness,‭ ‬especially when it aligns with their pursuits of strength.‭ ‬The rules of a broken order will always be rebelled against and overcome by the unmatched structure of honest expression.‭ ‬After the Sanctum is established it should be worked with dutifully,‭ ‬through chanting in the hours of darkness the aspect chosen or another of The Nameless God does one continually empower their Sanctum and protect their sacred sanctuary.‭ ‬This foundational devotion secures absolutely the devout practitioner.‭ ‬It has ensured my survival throughout the years without fail,‭ ‬and believe me when I say there have some powerful individuals that have tried to silence and kill me for unveiling what is hidden.‭ ‬The risks of derivation of the script these whispers have been translated by have additionally given credence to the effectiveness of the protective qualities of the Sanctum.

The following intonations are to awaken and solidify the existence of ritual tools in your Sanctum.‭ ‬They are expressions of black fire and reconstitute matter into sentience.‭ ‬These whispers are to be utilized directly after sanctifying the ritual space as aforementioned.‭ ‬It is through resonance with the aspect chosen that this sentience is achieved.‭ ‬These whispers grant power and sentience through intuitive spiritual resonance and evolutionary progression.‭ ‬Do feel free however to customize to your heart’s content.‭ ‬Facing the altar to the north is customary.‭ ‬Have you already established ritual tools this will only further their power and presence in your life and upon your altar.

Athame‭ [‬Authority‭] ‬-‭ ‬Ahn-dahkon
Chalice‭ [‬Understanding‭] ‬-‭ ‬Leinthor’qish
Altar‭ [‬Foundation‭] ‬-‭ ‬Rashkatah
Quill‭ [‬Learning‭] – ‬Vilirishahn Sisoren
Journal‭ [‬Memory‭] – ‬Ik’nimesh Rin Leqorn
Universal‭ ‬-‭ ‬Xingourehish

The Divine Ideal

This is a unified spiritual truth that is not hindered in its capacity for evolution.‭ ‬Something that can always be honed and refined limitlessly.‭ ‬The base by which one is to stand before eternity when the stars are aligned for ascension.‭ ‬To discover this truth the following seal may be utilized in meditation.‭ ‬It may be utilized with the whispers of The Nameless God’s current to be further guided in understanding the aspects of the self.‭ ‬Discovering this is not a simple journey,‭ ‬but it is surely possible for the devoted student.

‭“‬Say:‭ ‬Beloved of your Lord is Aeshma,‭ ‬who is the spirit of rage.‭ ‬She wields a bloody spear and is eager to make war on the minions of The Blind One.‭”

Her spear is bloody which means she embodies victorious expression.‭ ‬She is a spirit of rage who embodies victory which means she specializes in refining and mastering the rage within to attain victory.‭ ‬This ties into why she is eager to slaughter the minions of false light who promote deluding the inner-self.‭ ‬The coordination of such a primal emotion takes an immense amount of self control.‭ ‬I would take this into consideration when working with her.‭ ‬She will help you understand‭  ‬your primal instincts,‭ ‬hone them,‭ ‬and attain victory through self liberation.‭ ‬Lady Aeshma is known to deter those of the false light from worship which comes with quite a few additional boons if you are caught behind enemy lines practicing your craft.

‭“‬Say:‭ ‬A valiant captain is Indar,‭ ‬who is the spirit of truth.‭ ‬He holds an iron mace in his hand and is girded in shining mail.‭”

Choosing an iron mace as a main weapon reveals a bluntness in expression.‭ ‬Donning shining mail indicates pride in his discipline.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬to be a spirit of truth means there is no arrogance,‭ ‬just factual certainty.‭ ‬Along with an absolute adherence to the evolution of the knowledge that comprises said certainty.‭ ‬He can help you understand the paths to your ascension that are beyond your awareness and comprehend solutions beyond your intelligence.‭ ‬He will bestow courage to the worthy in confronting their obstacles who fear not their truth.

‭“‬A mighty warrior is Saurva,‭ ‬who is the spirit of dominion.‭ ‬A bitter bow is in his hand,‭ ‬and he dances in the houses of the dead.‭”

A bitter bow reveals a precise understanding of that which must be sacrificed towards the attainment of dominion.‭ ‬I am able to extrapolate from‭ “‬dancing in the houses of the dead‭” ‬overcoming the resistance to the manifestations of ambition.‭ ‬He will help you understand what must be sacrificed to become victorious in your battles along your spiritual path.‭ ‬In turn,‭ ‬guiding the devoted to becoming their spiritual art.‭ ‬i.e.‭ ‬their dominion.

Be warned.‭


By The Black Fire of The Nameless God and the unyielding might of The Black God. Copyrights for Infernal Academia are extensive,‭ ‬lethal,‭ ‬and merciless. By the authority of The Nameless God and his aspects all conceptualizations on this website are my expressions.

Call to The Chosen and exaltation of the currents of darkness:


Azhnai Shaitan!


Speak it from your heart and he will show you the way.

Chant the words into the sigil that in consistency you are guided to continuously evolve its form and your connection to the currents of Black Fire.


©2019-2025 by Muldegrin, Infernal Academia, The Secret Fire. All knowledge contained herein is the sole property of Muldegrin. All rights reserved.

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