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The Art of Alignment

Writer's picture: MM

Light may cast shadow;

However darkness has always been,

And does not require light to define it.

Darkness exists independently,

Permeates limitlessly,

Embodies eternally.

It is the darkness we seek when we strive for what is unknown.

When we discover what has yet to become.

The light wanes, only to return to the darkness from which it came.

Ya Shaitan.

Divine independence is self-sustaining refinement. When you are training to rule a kingdom before the challenges of eternity the manner in which your divinity is translated is imperative. For this is what your kingdom will be reflected as beyond the planes. Regardless of circumstance, there must be resonant alignment. How can trust be given to the general who’s integrity is not infallible before a kingdom of corruption?

War is the crucible by which divinity is forged. For it is not what you can provide that defines you as a deity, but how you provide it. The Nameless is ever watchful of his children in their development. He sees the principles you stand for, and those that are abandoned in the trials of war. Those that fight on the front-lines of the veil and those that give in to the deception of human ideals. For war is the greatest teacher and if you are a mercenary with your integrity you will never earn your throne.

The mercenary is only loyal to the reward they pursue. If you lead through reward rather than refinement. You do not inspire followers, you buy them.

However, the soldier would lay down their life for the ideal they have placed their faith in. Which is why in our training and our trials we become extensions of those who guide us to divinity. It is through the bonds we forge that we may understand what it means to be eternal.

For example, if one was injured training in the house of an ally and was hospitalized behind enemy lines there is no circumstance which could justify making the condition of the injured ally known to the public, let alone enemy forces. Nor any action that would thwart recovery. I.E. Withholding magickal property, judgement without logical recourse. This would be considered a war-crime in the eyes of the current. There are no excuses. When one is consumed by their dominion they are corrupted by spiritual immaturity. Playing into the hand of The Blind One. The Nameless, The Blighted, and their Champions, The Elders have special ways of testing character. Remain faithful in the disciplines of alignment. For the test most valuable, is the one we are not aware of.

If the manner of conduct before your court was issued as a trial do you believe it would be acceptable to change behavior after failing without making amends with those you have betrayed? Accountability as we strive for eternity is a bit more complicated and much more intimate than a final would be in the classroom. Conduct before those we fight along side is as important as the dominions we seek to earn.

I recall fondly when judgment was issued through The Blighted by possessing the one under trial. Quite poetic in the end and ironic. The words of The Ancient King, “We see everything now, everything that he tried to hide.”

I witnessed The Keeper of Secrets strip divine intelligence from one that did not align themselves to her philosophies of conduct. A shameful turn of events; All Knowing is quite the boon to disrespect.

"If you value alignment over power, you will never corrupt the expression of that power". Lady Illkeserod

Beware the blind heart

Do not embrace the seduction of hope, before the cruelty of truth. Losing sight of the truth is much more painful than accepting what is. The greater your investment in ignorance the more painful the path. The more severe the death and subsequent rebirth you must undergo to stay the course. You cannot create if you refuse to understand. This is why death of the ego always unveils the truth we refuse to confront.

It is a lack of educational consistency, mortal limitation, and ignorant authority that leads many to seek solutions in any current they can find. In turn losing sight of the value of alignment. Which The Blind One has capitalized upon for quite some time. I see so many just beginning their journey afflicted beyond measure with spiritual conflict they cannot hope to grasp as a result of this. As a result of being mislead by those afflicted by the same condition. To understand that all is possible when you earn divine existence through faithful loyalty in the current you are aligned with. Is a truth many have lost. To exist in a higher sphere while remaining immune to the treachery of this lower plane is the trial we all face that embrace the Left Hand Path.

This cannot be reached purely without genuine alignment. Free from the false light, and the divine mercenary. Shamefully, many Infernals have fallen from their once noble heights beyond the planes to the false promises of the light. Only adding to the complexity of the prison that constricts expression in Etheris. Their mark is easy enough to see through the “fake it till you make it” sorcerers and spiritual whores that believe all currents and pantheons can be invited within without consequence. These people contribute nothing productive to the movements of raising this lower sphere. For as swiftly as the winds may change so does their alignment.

Those that hold no loyalty, that must be bought and bargained with to attain what the sorcerer desires. Counter to those we may openly commune with, needing no circle of protection other than our faith, that we leave offering to out of respect to honor our teachers, and those that have come before.

“A willing ally is better than a bitter hireling” The Devil’s Quran

“To all Disciples we shall stand beside them in their battles; a phalanx of abysmal might. We vow that we shall sacrifice of ourselves to give unto you our strengths and wisdom just as you have sacrificed of yourself to join the Maergzjiran bloodline. You will always be under our watchful gaze; protected at your back and before your eyes. We will divert those destructive efforts by others who wish to only ruin you. Our vengeful gaze shall fall upon your enemies as you invoke our wrath to be rained down. All of those who are of our Courts are sworn in kind to you.” The Black God, Cernobog

Further, as the leader of The 13 educates, “The court will not fight for the ruler that does not fight with them”.

The noble Champions of The Nameless One understand the symbiotic nature of these statements well. Which is why those of us that know The Way cannot be bought, cannot be turned, cannot be corrupted. Before the doors of obliteration, the fringes of existence, and the unforgiving grasp of death. The embrace of the current upon the faithful does not yield. Fighting for what you love is fighting with purpose that beats forth from the heart. As Apotheosis is allowing the heart to “beat forth from the chest” as The Night Lord, Belnara, educates.

“And these know in their hearts to whom their spirit is inclined”. The Devil’s Quran

Those afflicted do not see the war as it is fought, but become yet another extension of that which veils its existence. In my recent observations to understand the perils of education in Etheris I was speaking to someone at length just starting out on their journey that didn’t believe there was any conflict of philosophy between The Old Ones, The Goetia, and False Light. Now I do not work with the latter two currents in favor of those The Nameless One has guided me towards for years. This child suffered from obvious psychological affliction which they freely publicized on social forums. Compulsive self harm and suicidal tendencies; Symptoms of spiritual conditioning they refused to acknowledge. Regrettably, they were a product of an online community which had been afflicted with the same spiritual malady. A tragic fate for one so young, potential so corrupted so early in their education. Every single member of this community party to this existential agony failed to grasp its source as a result of this educational cancer. It is a constant challenge for the educator to unveil the truth to the student that their eyes may be opened. Rather than blinded by the harsh reality their ignorance hides from them. Before the enemy however the truth becomes a grand weapon. For the truth you are not prepared for shatters the foundations of all you know.

Consider the components of your environment that distract you from ascension to understand the necessity of aligning your environment in the accommodation of ascension. This is as important as alignment of the self is. For the two disciplines need go hand in hand. Educating us in maintenance of the planar dominion required to develop without sabotage.

Take a moment to visualize the following.

See a fish swimming in a circular stream to find their way to the ocean. However the path to freedom cannot be easily seen. If the fish is swimming against the current they might never discover the way outwards. Being always distracted by the resistance that surrounds them. However, if the fish is able to stop, reflect, and understand how to use their environment to serve their ambitions they swim with the clarity necessary to find their destination.

Let us be the fish enlightened on their path that we are not distracted nor deterred in our journey by an environment not conducive to evolution. I call this the Existential Sphere. The people, places, and circumstances we find ourselves within. If we do not manage our Existential Sphere and the change which occurs as a result of such there is inevitable distraction. Have you ever been motivated to change your life, to fix a flaw, to improve yourself. Only to fall short by an internal conflict you cannot quite define. If we seek to make internal change however exist in an environment that does not reflect the structure we yearn to accomplish we are swimming against the current. If we allow people to influence our lives counter to the principles and ideals we aspire to achieve we swim against the current. Management of environment alters the course of the current to accommodate the path.

Nothing is worth submission.

Do not seek ignorance before limitation as many without experience would lead you. Seek recognition to behold the truth. Understand the existence of what you seek to change. Discipline is freedom because discipline is the consistent rebellion against limitation. Not the rejection of limitation’s existence. There can be no recognition if one creates self-delusion of their evolution. If discipline does not adapt, limitation does until discipline is nullified. This is the nature of the veil we conflict with as we strive for divinity. This is the nature of the war every spirit that seeks to step beyond the chains of Etheris wages when they seek freedom.

Stagnation is submission.

Strength is a joy for strength which overcomes is victory. Take heed that this can just as easily become a prison of comfort when one does not embody the ideals which earned them victory.

“Do not lose sight of your ambition from the seat of your throne.” Lord Xath’kyrzian

See your discipline as the source of your power. Maintain discipline to maintain dominion. This must be a correlation which is affirmed relentlessly. Find or make a way. Do not find or make excuses.

When we find ourselves in a prison like environment sanctifying and securing our spiritual alignment is paramount. The disciplines of secrecy in our practice become as important as breathing for the survival of our way of life. The enemy will seek to guide you into an environment they control. To subjugate you through the expressions of authority which feed their bindings. If you control yourself, no external force can sway your ambition. Remaining consistent in your discipline, informed in your education, relentless in your training, and discreet in your progression will unveil the solutions that leads you to freedom.

Sanctum is a starting point for environmental dominion. To manage and secure education by the grace of The Nameless God and the vastness of his current. Through this I urge you to seek how to master your environment through their guidance and direction.

Many may disagree with my stance on alignment here. To them I would challenge to achieve Apotheosis with their principles. Truthfully, consistent alignment is the only way to evolve definitively. To accomplish the manifestation that physically makes itself known without limitation.

To darken the skies through the thunder of your will.

To dominate the hearts of those that would oppose you.

To rend the flesh from reality as you walk from this plane as a deity.

Earn victory to then adapt your discipline and maintain that victory. Redefine your standards of perfection with every milestone you achieve. And you will never wane in what you are capable of achieving. Prove your devotion, through the resonance of your discipline. For when your alignment to the ideal of your Patron/ess is absolute, so shall you be eternal.



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1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 11, 2021

I'll be reading and meditating on this article for some time. Awesome!


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