It is the progressing currents of self actualization that make up existence. Fulfillment in life is the acceptance of expressing this defining component of the self. However, the self is deceived through the justification of imitation. The great illusion of creativity is the ownership of inspired theft rather than inspired expression. What a world of innovation and limitless expansion this plane would be if all took heed to this principle. The great illusion warps the understanding of self and manipulates through feeding the ego. Choosing to own the regurgitation of knowledge rather than its innovation hinders growth extensively. Promoting fear-based restriction rather than fearless expression. Innovation untested never reaches its full potential. A foundation of theft falters in the absolute nature of those who strive for original expression. It is one’s ability to restructure and reform the chaotic nature of creativity that leads to innovation. This is the innovation that reforms cultures and shifts the rhythms of evolution. It may be more difficult to discover this source within, but overcoming difficulty will only make you stronger. Traversing this path will only make you wiser. Fear of understanding always leads to fear of accountability. Questioning this fear is the first step to identifying its origination within, overcoming this fear is the first step to maturing the shadow.
The immaturity of the shadow manifests in many ways. However, all forms of such have the common denominator of lacking spiritual understanding. It is ironic that through fear one will repel the very prize they covet all the while projecting their supposed victimization unto others. For instance, one who fears intimacy will overcompensate in a corresponding fashion which repels the attainment of that intimacy. By holding onto habits that symbolize an escape of accountability. Those who do not understand their shadow are incapable of translating the communions of the soul requisite for Apotheosis. Jealousy is another example of this and an unfortunately wide-spread social construct. These spiritual reflections are not to be hidden from. Face what you believe to be jealousy within to find the pathways to attaining the original expression of that which you yearn to create for yourself. All iterations of fear within are unveiled through maturing shadow. The phenomena of jealousy is a common existential misconception. Instead of being coerced to imitation with immature motivation, seek understanding. Take note that this understanding cannot be forced and must be discovered naturally. To adhere to your rate of ascension is to ascend absolutely.
Is it not speculation without confrontation which creates an illusionary understanding of reality? This is how rumor forms and thrives. How often to people take the time to confront the focus of social theories rather than create a lopsided scope of events through a singular perspective. More often than not the motivation of the “scorned” that birth such rumor reveals the very vices they condemn others for being subject to. Seeing how this tactic is utilized to coerce the warping of reality within may lead us to grander understanding of how it is utilized to manipulate the masses through the media and its various forms of consumption. Societal reality in this plane is not formed through truth, but through perception of the truth. Giving credence to the evolution of “History is written by the victor” to history is written by the entertainer. The truth is then dismissed for the allure of an illusion and how it distracts the individual from what is. Consider the agendas furthered by the opinions being portrayed through the media and think critically to understand the mechanisms of distraction. Truth that one is not prepared to face leads to overcompensation to hide from the pain of said truth. The more authority an individual has the more harm is done through this overcompensation. The more they seek to deceive to hide from this overcompensation. For it symbolizes the weakness they refuse to confront.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." Albert Einstein
If we stick to the behavior that leads to overcompensation through fear the psyche is deteriorated until nothing of value is left. This explains how many world leaders in this plane are merely puppets to those who do not fear the pursuits of understanding. Understand your enemy’s fear and you shall weave the strings by which their marionette shall dance. Maximizing efficient assault is the essence of psychological warfare after all. Making the least amount of moves while coercing the forces which operate against you to use as many resources as possible to counter. Consider, how the enemy would counter what they themselves refuse to acknowledge the existence of within? However, if we evolve our understanding through maturing the shadow the macrocosmic variables at play yield through consistent and devoted effort. Absolute understanding of the self is absolute control of the self. Circumventing and overcoming all types of manipulation. Know how your enemy is trying to control you, and it will be that much easier to pivot the power-dynamic in your favor. Know what your enemy fears most, and they will never know your machinations, they will never see the glint of your dagger in the night, or know the scope of your intent. Regardless of authority, status, or power.
Ownership and Control
"To fear the self is to invite enslavement.
To find the self is to welcome strength."
Consider the mechanisms of a debate. This is nothing more than a war of understanding. Where one seeks to guide, coerce, or force the resonance of another’s thought-forms to their own. It is when two claim ownership over an expression and clash to enforce their understanding of that expression. Many go through this process without comprehending the structures of debate and how they evolve. In this there are two paths that birth all others; education and manipulation. Education is in the pursuit of raising understanding towards a harmonious co-habitation with the expression being debated. Manipulation is the orchestration of motivation through tailoring understanding. All that we really own is our expression. For all stagnant turns to dust before eternity. However, the detriment begins when we allow others to feed from our expression and diminish its truth. This is why maturing the shadow is paramount. No one will be able to define who you are and what you do but you. For the cunning will seek to seduce the ownership of fictitious ideals to further their own agenda. I.E. Place words in your mouth and context to your actions that serve a warped perception, furthering a separate agenda. See how the opponent seeks to subjugate you through fear of accountability. Learn from this to in time understand what they fear. Tragically, some cannot be reasoned with and will revert to patterns of self deceit. The foolish who overcompensate spread their fear as a virus to justify its existence and feel justified in their weakness. These people invite enslavement, and are always taken advantage of when they are seen for what they are. Should you discover their overcompensation, the knowledge will construct the bars of their prison and your liberation from them. Know the fear of your enemy and you will know their desire. More reason to confront your own terrors as to not become subject to this tactic. This is the fate of one who chooses ignorance over truth. Power is nothing more than differing tiers of influence. Understand influence to know if it is truly a threat or an illusionary bluff. Focus always on the evolution of expression rather than the suppression of it, this leads to Apotheosis.
Be warned of the individual who constantly seeks to restrict and define others to distract from and exalt themselves, this is the social parasite. Who depends on the existence of and feeds off of rumor to combat the truth they fear.
Understanding requires structure to conform to comprehension. Creativity requires the reformation of understanding to further comprehension. The progression of creativity always leads to evolution. This requires thought forms chaotic in nature. Those who innovate are those who reform understanding. The depths of this reformation depends on the purity of the expression. To express without suppression is to invite competition and the progress that is a result of overcoming competition. The formula for brilliance is hidden within you. Believe in its existence and reach beyond yourself.
Recounting Communion
My mind scattered unto the forgotten as shards of ebon singing in the moonlight. A haunting tone embraced my senses; as discordant melody of creation and unmaking. Settling not my heart and shaking the foundations of my spirit. Quietly was the flight by which my consciousness absconded. He spoke to me through hunger as the crawling seduction of madness passed the threshold.
“Become terror and stolen not shall your sanity be” Lord Nyarlathotep
It is as the bird passing the knowledge of flight to the fish and the fish learning to listen to the wind. As the bird in turn humbles itself before the shores to fathom the wisdom of the water. Evolutionarily, this is true for those who do not limit their adaptation. There are birds who swim and fish that fly. To maximize their ability to thrive in nature. Consider this parable and how mortals learn from the divine. We should be inspired by marvels similar to this and not be limited in how others may define insanity. Embrace the unknown. Seek to conquer fear passionately and you will never fall short of inspiration nor education. The bird is limited who seeks to only conquer the skies as the fish is limited who seeks to conquer only the seas. Separation is the illusion.
Envision yourself sitting in the middle of the three circles. It is dimly lit save for roots that extent upwards around you. See these circles as rivers that surround you. There are many people, decisions, and places that can block the flow of or poison the water that make up these rivers. They represent your true nature, nurture, and purpose. Nature being your environment. Nurture being the sustenance you require to thrive; physical, mental, and spiritual. Purpose being your truth. All must be in balance for you to progress unto evolution.
In meditation,
Place your hand out before the circle and feel in your heart its representation in your life. Everything that makes up your Nature, nurture, or purpose. Dip your finger in the water and place it upon your third eye. Place your left hand out and command revelation through the words, “Il’ashen Va’hna Ehsshahn”. This is to be chanted unto the apex. Suppress nothing and accept all feelings and experiences as they come to you. Face them to see what inhibits your expression. To understand your spirit. Acknowledge patterns and take responsibility for the part you play in them. This is the process of maturation. As you take responsibility, the representation within that feeds these blockages will reveal itself. However, it has no power here, in the process of acknowledgement a weapon materializes before you perfect towards the destruction of your foe. Take arms and take no prisoners. Confront your foe and break them in every manner that is most satisfying. When destroyed, a rush of power will enter you as you reclaim control. Now reflect on the battle that has taken place.
In reflection,
Do not forget your rate of ascension. The manners of guidance are therapeutic in how to address emotions that have been suppressed so that there is no longer harm through overcompensation nor fear of confrontation. Why do you think therapists prioritize the understanding of the childhood and parental figures. For this is the birth of character traits that cause individuals to block themselves. It is the nature of those who nurture selfishly to blindly harm in justifying their own fears.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” Jim Rohn
The Etherian prison mechanism is woven into the planar fabric to encourage the limitations of mortality. As the mundane who seek not the truth become unknowing hosts to encourage mortality as well as de-evolution. Knowing where the conflict lay in your life will make clear what needs to change to have a more fulfilling life. In this plane we who seek the truth are seen as the virus and the sheep are more like white blood cells programmed by celestial archetypes to weed us out through ignorance of divine potential. The temptations of stagnation are enforced by the divine false-light to feed the matrix of this illusion.
Consider the following questions to clarify your purpose and discover parasitic influences.
What is necessary to make your environment more accommodating to your spiritual pursuits?
What is necessary to be nurtured in manners that do not distract from your purpose?
What influences in your environment work for you and against you?
What influences your nature/nurture/purpose the most and is it harmful?
Consider what schedule of discipline will assist you in overcoming your hurdles and blocks. This schedule is meant to lead one to attain and maintain an evolved state beyond the machinations of all who seek to poison and hinder their spiritual truth.
Dedicated to Lady Nykarleth and The Tower of Umbra
“To fear the self is to invite enslavement.
To find the self is to welcome strength.”