Imbalance is death or enslavement for the Dragon. One must wield their spiritual expression without limitation yet with complete awareness as well as control lest they become consumed. To remove all bindings without becoming an inhibitory force through Egocentrically inspired desire. This is the path. Every thought, if nurtured by emotion, has the capability to become a creation for better or for worse. This is why absolute control of the mind and emotions is imperative that self consumption does not occur. What is power without knowledge? What is knowledge without understanding? Understand yourself, face all of yourself fearlessly, and the infinite nature of the multiverse will open up to the nature of your spirit. This is only accomplished through strength and must be continually earned when attained. This is a family of immortals, it is our nature to adapt and conquer in whatever interpretation resonates most with our academic ascension.
The Philosophies of Spiritual Fire
Let us explore the process of manifestation further as it pertains to the structure of our lives.
All attention has the potential to become creation manifest, all depends on the self control and discipline of the Disciple in managing attention towards pure spiritual resonance. This requires an honest look at every component of the character and how such comprises the life to hone the existence. Towards such purity that the spirit is always nurtured and there is no opportunity for allowed as well as imposed dissonance to form or be cultivated.
Attention may entice you, consider that which is addiction. We become overcome with the temporary pleasure and release of that which is external when we should be seeking within to discover that which will fulfill ourselves most completely.
“The essence of philosophy is that one should so live that happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things”
- Epictetus
The enemy seeks to empower this enticing nature of addiction quite a bit to keep us off of the path of our spiritual ascent and focus us only on habits as well as mannerisms which will hold us back. Question all of your wants and truly ask yourself if such is necessary in the path of your ascent. If you seek to justify the existence of a habit or mannerism constantly than it is not right for you. One should aspire to remove such a distraction lest it become an avenue of dissent into a more limited existential structure.
This is where the most scrutiny should be focused as action should only reflect spiritually nurturing disciplines. Should it not, the aforementioned warnings must be taken heed. It will more than likely not be easy to re-structure ones life in freeing themselves entirely from inhibiting and limiting forms of being however it is necessary pertaining to ones evolution. All has the potential to become addicting and all has the potential to become managed. We should aspire to form habits of improvement through honest spiritual reflection so there is no force that is capable of hindering us.
The final step in this process associates with the realization of attention, in time and discipline the Disciple's life is a creation of their own self refinement. Beyond the scope of all inhibiting forces and enemy machinations which would deter them. In the darkness ambition guides you. However, only the truth will set you free. Ambition pursued without direction is distraction, without understanding is self-destruction.
See how the path of manifestation is that of raising the existence of one's attention unto physical realization.
Awareness is the Heart of Discipline. Consider what has been written previous and how it may relate to your unique existence. The insidious designs of stagnation are not always what we are aware of. How can one combat that which is beyond their awareness? To know the self entirely one is able to properly constitute the will to push the self beyond, towards further and further standards of perfection. Know thyself, know thy limitations and you will be more equipped to overcome them. For pain is the death of resistance and growth is the realization of victory.
How are dominions formed and established? Surely not through coveting immature human modicums of limitation and external possession. It is through valuing the education of the soul over spiritual distraction. In this one is able to attain a state of divinity.
The Virtues of Strength
The Blind One is severely handicapped before one who is at peace with themselves. For the designs of the enemy hide within that which we are afraid of. Within embarrassment, shame, guilt, and the like. This is one of the reasons why we must face ourselves without fear. If one is not at peace with themselves they will be crushed in striving for limitlessness.
This technique develops inner-strength and courage. Through utilization the Disciple is granted infallible courage to confront every aspect of themselves without fear. The Disciple will need three candles and an object that represents indestructibility to them. In the middle of these three candles the Disciple is to state, "I (craft name or name in Apotheosis) sacrifice all that impedes me of my own design. I take responsibility for myself, my reality, and my creations. None within myself can deter me from this path, for I pursue it with an open heart and invincible resolve. By these words of release Guuri Netil (Goo-ree Net-eel).
These words are to be chanted in rising fervor until shouted.
Then the Disicple is to state forcefully, "I smite all within that is detrimental. By these words of permanence Irenthiina Ya!!" (Iren Thee Kna). It is done
To further understand the whole of this process and dedicate oneself after the initial performance all the Disciple must do is chant Gun-Til Ya (Gun Teel Ya) to lead themselves into deep meditation revealing of all that they must confront and bestowing the courage as well as inner strength necessary to confront it and come out victorious. In dedication to the process this may be performed at a moments notice to trigger invincible inner-strength and courage that the Disciple will be able to confront any.
"For if you are fearless when peering into your own heart, no challenge will be able to break you." - Xath'kyrzian, Primordial King of the Cosmos.
"Confront yourself and no enemy will be able to make you flinch." - Varatah, King of Destruction