There is a foundational difference between Satanism as a philosophical contention and Satanism as a path to Apotheosis. The issue arises when one decides to graduate from one to the other without understanding the importance of alignment. The student can easily become corrupted by working with currents and pantheons which are not aligned with the ideals they strive to embody.
This is akin to trying to build a car when all the parts you are using are from different models and years. You might get it to work, but it is not going to go very far and it is not going to run efficiently. It certainly will not be able to compete with a car compatible to its purpose and up to date. This is the difference being highlighted.
When you seek to evolve and transmute the fibres of your existence, alignment is integral for everlasting evolution.
There are too many individuals and communities that besmirch the name of The Adversary and what he stands for in the pursuit of eternity. Many claim to be son/daughter to the ancient source however do not understand what this means. If you were a pure embodiment and extension of the dominions of The Adversary do you believe it would be okay to encourage the expansion of education that conflicts with his ideals?
I see many who use the name(s) of The Adversary to label and promote their organizations for ascension. However no self-respecting Satanist would stand for the teachings of The False Light. If you’re going to use this term to define your community and then invite all teachings that exist counter to The Adversary you should not be labelling yourself in this manner. This is but one aspect of The Nameless One and he is not pleased.
To the enemies of education:
Do not mislead and delude the public. Your mercenary allegiance is an embarrassment. This is the kind of educational corruption I abhor. It is a disgrace to everything The Adversary stands for and your purpose is fraudulent. This is why all of your attacks fall short. There is no substance to your will nor discipline to your spirit. This is a way of life not a fad to boost your fragile and delusional sense of self-worth. The genuine are not so easily swayed by the pageantry of your faith. This is why I deconstructed these mechanisms in the previous article.
If you cannot stand for the purity of the teachings you define yourself by, then you should not define yourself by them.
You know who you are.
Place your faith in the House of Darkness not the House which shames the Night.
There are too many victims of misinformation that have been corrupted beyond spiritual recourse as a result of this.
“I will take my time tearing your spirits apart eternally”. Lord Satan
I understand my enemies and welcome their attention. For if you do not address the conflicts of what you stand for, are you really standing for it?
Understand your enemy without allowing them to discern your recognition. This will unveil their true nature infallibly.
Link to Evidence
Corruption unveiled as a result of being deconstructed. Accreditation to Lord Tarynkapf in this Revelation of Treachery.
Further identification of the celestial host created as a result of the corruption that has been deconstructed. Which has obviously been conceived to breed discourse. The communities studied were all 'educational' which advertised Satanism and some form of Apotheosis. Until it became abundantly apparent they were fraudulent and disingenuous in this claim to validate delusional ambitions. Evidence comes forward in the comment section you can clearly see the instability which is a product of what I am addressing brought forward through these operations. The aggressors identity has been publicly and completely revealed by their own hand. Photos and full name included. Be warned, this individual is distasteful.
The disgust associated with this host should be associated with the practice that brought it into being.
“Blessed are they that conceal their fangs behind a sheep’s mask for they shall endure among their foes.” The Devil’s Quran
An important distinction to understand here is that off plane there is none of this 'Non-Theistic' going on. How could there be in a place that The Adversary can manifest absolutely. Before an aspect of The Nameless One this would be considered rude, would it not? The entirety of the ideology of Non-Theistic anything would die on the lips of any Etherian before The First Borns of Chaos. There is no question because there is no veil. They can manifest completely to enforce the purity of their currents in alignment with the judgements of their laws. Many Etherians cannot understand this because they cannot fathom what exists beyond the constraints of this limited reality. I would also like to point…
Solid points. I've seen curses manifest before, but never like this. Those pictures she posted really say it all.
Edit. Wix is buggy with posts.
Everytime I empower this the divinity using this host loses influence and more evidence comes forward. This is the correlation between action in the higher realms and manifestation in this lower sphere.
Former skeptic after fact-checking. This guy is for real.