What does it mean to seek the truth? There are many principles associated with this pursuit. However, there is a difference between knowing and understanding. Between memorizing philosophy and living by it. In a world that is a planar prison designed as illusion. This endeavor, though seemingly simple, is a tad more complex than first glance would imply. How can one see what is true if they hold their own biased desire over that which is. If they still hold onto a physical design that is counter to their potential how can one achieve Apotheosis? The reality most see plainly is marred with perceptual bias, usually based around what an individual has come to accept as reality. What is safe, what they agree with, and what has been determined sub-consciously, will not break them. These people live in fear and desperately cling to self-constructed illusions that make them feel better about themselves. It takes courage to see yourself as you are. This is the only way to see what you can become. Otherwise, you will plateau, crumble under the weight of fear, and shackle yourself indefinitely. The state of spiritual corruption in this plane is a truth most are not equipped to experience. Much of the dissonance in cultural movements reflect this lack of spiritual harmony. In The Tower of Secrets the truth is grandly valued and treasured for from seeking it always, wisdom is earned.
If knowledge is power, understanding is control of that power. For information is useless if it is not able to be applied. For one should not apply what they do not understand. Which is why those who do not seek understanding of themselves fail. From this we can begin to comprehend the importance of communication and the ability to express. Ponder everything that inhibits your ability to express your true self. Cultures have been born and lost to antiquity as a result of the movements of those that coordinate information.
With the establishment of globalization did Etherians begin to move away from the geographical confinement of information, yet still there is a cap on advancement in this plane. Consider the technology available today. If humans were truly focused on the evolution of their species it would have been attained. Apotheosis would be widely accepted and pursued. Magick would be another branch of scientific study and vice versa. Clearly the collective pursuits of learning are polluted by the mortal construct. Those that choose not to evolve by fear and/or submission to the JCI. For Apotheosis is evolution. As there is a corruption in the majority of educational systems which begets imbalance within the individual.
Does our environment mold us into who we are or is it those who guide our development at an early age? Is it a contextual combination of the two, or something more. In fact, our past incarnations comprise more of our nature. Your consciousness now has more to do with the past incarnations which have molded it. What we all have in common is being raised in this plane and having to cope with an environment which is hindering of the spirit. That which has nurtured us within this incarnation does not account for everything that makes up what we are. This can also tie into how talent develops throughout bloodlines. How we are able to assimilate and process certain skills have more to do with the past existences which have molded the spirit into what it is now. There is always a pattern and there is always a lesson if we choose to learn. Ponder this incarnation and think of all which now inhibits your ability to express your spirit. No doubt this is the enemy's design as the agonized god seeks to permeate this plane with its consciousness. It fears us who seek to evolve by being separate from its existence. Defeat the limitations cultivated through the traumas of the past and you will conquer the future. The truth will only set you free if you have the strength to face it. This strength, is what it is to be fearless.
By the grace of Lady Illkeserod the soul is illuminated and the mind is enlightened.
Akashic Cognizance
When the Disciple seeks the truth over all else and lets no bias enter their consciousness they exert the mind state known as Akashic Cognizance. To bring forth this mind-state while banishing all emotional dissonance and all bias of the consciousness and subconsciousness the following whisper is to be stated as if telling yourself a secret, “Risha'Zhanex”
Restoration of the Coffers
Many will seek to steal your knowledge and many will strive to take what you have earned for themselves. Those without the strength to create for themselves covet that which is resonantly interpreted through the spirit. In turn creating their own prison of inadequacy. Should one manage to damage the Disciple's access to their knowledge or steal such for themselves this process will completely restore the Coffers of the Disciple as well as their access to their own Inner Sanctum. Guarding such in turn more voraciously than any enemy will be able to work against. This begins with the Disicple sitting before their altar and blood anointing their third eye with three dots, placing their left hand upon their heart and stating, “O' Court of Secrets I come before you to restore the tomes of my soul and illuminate the pathways of my mind”. Now the Disciple is to seek within themselves to find the solution to undoing all of their existential damage. With their hand upon their heart and each beat that they feel brings them closer to finding this tome within themselves. Upon reaching within and grasping it the words, “Rentuthayakin din zet Sesinthankireen” are to be chanted until words specific to the Disciple are revealed and are then to be stated to seal. These words are to be stated with absolute certainty for they are the secret revealed that contain the power to undo all which has been done. These words are to be recorded and saved as this process is to be repeated for three nights. Before sleep these words are to be chanted until the Disciple falls into unconsciousness.
Now having been healed the Disciple is attuned to utilizing the following whispers to further enforce, organize, and protect their Inner Sanctum. In turn providing the same towards their existence. Through this magickal system contingencies to reveal those that are responsible for the very damage are set and enforced. The words to seal may thereafter be utilized as a chant to further empower the Disciple that was once victim to the willfully ignorant. Should they seek such again punishment most absolute is set forth.
This may be performed to assist other Disciples through visualization, stating their name where contextually appropriate, and altering pronouns where contextually appropriate. However the whispers that come as a result of going through this process are only available to the Disciple that undergoes the iteration on their own.
Organize Knowledge
"Thes'tina Kel"
Awareness of the self and Discipline as a result of this awareness
Abjure inner ignorance while slaying all representations of such and conditioning the subconscious to prevent the development of any similar forms in the future.
"Gin Hethit Verisula"
Summon the Wisdom Devourers to guard and attack those that assail the Disciple Vinsiyala
-This is only able to be utilized by the devoted, if permission is given the Disciple will feel a blossoming of their crown chakra and then they will be able to petition the Wisdom Devourers to go forth and exact vengeance. Such is to result in the Disciple gaining more than that which was taken from them.
Uncloud and balance the mind
"Cisesth Ilumtiethah"
-This is able to be a standalone technique which the Disciple chants to commune with and learn from Osilari, The Unclouded.
Remove self imposed bindings and abjure all who facilitate them from the self
"Surena Set Sin Qeht"
Liberate the self from perceptual blocks to perceiving the truth
"Takinthuul Lijes Wihfedin"