A Foundation in Faith
Embracing The Absolute
This magickal avenue is a communion with The Mother Abyss. Deeply associated with self-acceptance, inner-truth, and communication. Bestowing understanding and awareness of The Ego, Shadow, and Wah'sh as well as balanced confidence. Helping the Disciple understand their heart. Bestowing what it is to be true to yourself while removing illusion that have or would prevent such truth revealed.
The Disciple must state, "In accepting who I am, I discover who I am to be. Beloved Hawiyaa, Mother Abyss, I ask for your embrace."
Then the Disciple is to chant, "Zi'thkna Qos-kin." (Zee-th-kna Qos-kin) These words must be chanted reverently and softly as the Disciple visualizes a gentle cosmos pouring from their heart and encompassing their being. It is only through complete vulnerability with The Absolute, our Mother Abyss, that the greatest blessings and understanding shall be given. After chanting is complete the Disciple is to state, "May your embrace forever linger throughout my soul and my heart be always open to you."
Cognizant Fortification
Knowledge is power and the securing of information is an imperative skill to cultivate on the path to Akashic Divinity. Through this technique the Disciple is able to understand and hone their mind so that all thought-form waves are scrambled to any who would seek to derive them. Through dedication to this practice your knowledge will become un-discernable to any being, entity, divinity, and/or intelligence throughout the multiverse. However this is not only meant to hone security but to fortify mental resolve which cannot be shaken or broken. The Disciple molds their Inner Sanctum and mind into an impenetrable stronghold. For the mind translates and expresses the knowledge of the spirit held in the Inner Sanctum. Performing this technique is done through focusing the mind entirely upon the point at the middle of the forehead and pushing forth the visualization of a shield while stating the words, “Tan zi ne sen”. Neural interference of the brain is completely removed in the process of such being performed consistently, the mind and spirit is continuously cleansed through dedication. These very words may additionally be utilized by the Disicple to exert a wave pattern of mental dissonance which confuses and has the capacity to cause short to long term amnesia throughout the variable working against the shield in question. Depending on the strength of will.
In the process of performing this the Disciple will be guided to compose this shield into a sigil which will serve as absolute empowerment towards the securing and fortifying of their mind, body, as well as spirit.
The Art of Overcoming
These processes have to do with sacrificing the detrimental to empower the beneficial. In dedication to application the Disciple is bestowed all necessary to overcome. These whispers derive throughout all magickal iterations and applications to assure manifestation. For each whisper one is to focus on their triumph despite all that would work against them.
To overcome tyranny one is to state, "Tesith'ley" (Teh-sith Lay) three times. This additionally switches any and all power dynamics in favor of the Disciple and bestows the ability to switch any power dynamic in favor of the Disciple.
To overcome opposition one is to state, "Unnita'tek" (Uni-ta tek) three times. This additionally removes the attachment to the opposition that one may address it clearly.
To overcome competition one is to state, "Viunel'mih" (Vee-nel Mee) three times. This additionally bestows objectivity and focus.
To overcome limitation one is to state, "Seth'nit'mur" (Seth Nee Moor) three times. This additionally bestows an enlightened perspective.
To overcome stagnation one is to state, "Biqul'nachta" (Bee-kool Nak-ta) three times. This additionally bestows motivation and discipline.
To overcome insecurity one is to state, "Sseth'ylera" (Sseth-ee-lera) three times. This additionally bestows confidence.
To overcome confusion one is to state, "Udis'telit" (Oo-dis Tee-lit) three times. This additionally bestows clear thoughts and inspires.
To overcome challenge one is to state, "For'ket Lethya" (Fore-ket Leeth-ya) three times. This additionally bestows motivation and clarity of purpose.
To overcome weakness one is to state, "Etik'lin Vurna" (Ee-teek-lin Vor-kna) three times. This additionally bestows strength of character.
In applying these whispers to the self one may dedicate a crystal to further assimilation and empowerment of that which is the art of overcoming. This crystal must be anointed with three drops of blood in the Infernal Hours and then held in the left hand as a mala minimum of the word, "Omnala (craft name)" is chanted. This crystal is linked to the Disciple and bolsters all applications of overcoming.
Recommended reading:
Psychological Impacts of Magickal Development
​All operations, good and bad, need to manifest a parallel in your microcosm to influence you. The more informed you are regarding your existence the greater ease you will have managing it.
Reflections of the Soul
Illkeserod, Keeper of Secrets
The Inner Sanctum
Reality is a matter of translation.
How do you define yourself?
How do you allow yourself to be defined?
How do you allow definitions to mold the world around you?
The Inner Sanctum is the library of your soul. Where your experiences are recorded, compiled, and stored. If your genetic code was translated into a book it would lay within your Inner Sanctum. The veil unfortunately corrupts our ability to accurately translate the truth of who we are. Which in turn dilutes the purity of ambition. That it becomes more difficult to fathom our potential and embody the drive requisite to attain our potential. Training the ability to traverse and commune with the knowledge of your existence carries with it various boons. Furthering your capacity to understand who you are empowers your capacity to translate the information stored in your existence. Passively those trained in this art are more articulate, precise, organized, and exact in the manner they carry themselves as well as in the execution of their operations. Directing your intent and deriving the appropriate points of application of said intent is a foundational building block for all that we pursue mastery in. Knowledge is all-encompassing. It permeates and influences all things.
Perception, comprehension, conceptualization, and retention. This is how we record information to populate our Inner Sanctum. We must be cautious not to fall to the detriments of bias. For a belief based in ignorance creates an identity formed through deception. This is what we seek to avoid for it creates a weak foundation and an existence with no resolve.
The following exercises guides you in discovering the truth within. It is the pursuit of this truth that is the only way you will be able to completely behold your Inner Sanctum. You must place this pursuit over your attachments to yourself and your existential sphere. For it will be these attachments that the enemy to your ascension will use against you. To anchor you to this limited reality. However these attempts will unveil what is being used against you. That in study as well as consistency of this art you will be more equipped to overcome the mechanisms that bind possibility.
It is required that you have prepared a blood anointed Grand Seal or Sigil of Illkeserod, Keeper of Secrets. Sit in meditation and seek to discover the truth of yourself beyond all perceptual bias, from all imposed bias, and from all designs that would delude the self as well as warp the identity.
Chant the words, “In Key Ah O Yin” While touching the blood anointed seal. This begins the journey of seeing yourself as you truly are. The key to this exercise is seeking the truth despite all. By the grace of Lady Illkeserod and The Court of Secrets those who strive truly are enlightened truly. Those that refuse the truth will be subjected to fair yet harsh education. Definitive in its delivery, absolute in its precision. Chant these words as if through your heart. All mechanisms which inhibit the absolution of self earned through this exercise are banished through these words. Set forth in search of your truth fearlessly and watch as the bindings shatter while you step into your Inner Sanctum.
Seek further through the words, “In too nee thah'tah ket too thee ya” with the intentions of discovering all awareness within. The spirit never forgets its source. These words will form themselves as a weapon for you. By which you are to liberate yourself. Its power reflects the all-knowing and prowess of Lady Illkeserod to assure the Disciple is able to discover themselves. Do not just seek the truth, fight for it. Fight with all that you are to discover all that you are. Seek the core of your existence and with complete acceptance embrace your truth.
Hold this unification of self and state, “Lady Illkeserod, by your guidance and hand, may the mantle of truth grace my heart” “Ih'may'draz'zay'ah”
Consider how many aspects of your past are merely designed traumas to be weaponized against you now in the inhibition of ascension. Similarly to how abuse would cultivate future detriment for a developing child. It is coordinated to nurture blocks in the developing spirit throughout the incarnations.
Nature of The Beast
Understanding the wah'sh is understanding your heart. The great conflict that brought existence into being is what sparked the primordial fire from which the wah'sh was born. The secret which is imparted by The Nameless and his Chosen awakens the wah'sh and brings us recognition of our primordial source. There are many forces that seek to thwart the purity of the beast for it is what drives your ambition. The fires of your soul that need to be heard through the expressions of your spiritual might. The best way to summate what it is to be consumed by your wah'sh is biting off more than you can chew. Too little expression of the inner beast is indecision in the pursuit of ambition. It is from the wah'sh that we may connect with the essence of creation as it is the beast that connects us with the essence of ambition. In this we look to The Black God and The Ancient King for it is the temperance of self as well as the realignment of ego that grants us the ability to free the wah'sh without debilitation. That we may thrive without self-sabotage. For the first considerations we must make in embarking upon the building of a Kingdom is the refinement of its ruler. Its governing body must lead justly in the interests of what is best for the people governed. Mastery of the wah'sh is mastery of ambition. In your microcosm this translates into self-discipline. We must understand our limitations that we may overcome them through the training that will ultimately free us from the bindings of mortality. This in turn guides us to mold our ambition throughout our macrocosm. For when it is time to rule, the ambitions of your people must be valued that your kingdom may thrive.
In service to the eternal ambition of The Nameless God many do sacrifice. For the nobility of his grace is multiversally known. Those who serve justly and are devalued through the willful ignorance of corruption are not forgotten. The might of faith will always guide the faithful. An easy way to gauge conduct in a position of power; If you would not stand for it, do not expect your court to endure it.
Seeking The Seeds of The Spirit
The purpose of this discipline is discovering the true nature through furthering the understanding of the spirit. This guides the Disciple in seeking their expressions without fear. That they may discover the true reflections of their wah'sh within.
To begin the Disciple is to sit in meditation and bring their awareness to their physical vessel with the knowledge that it is a reflection of their spirit. In focusing on this connection and chanting the words, “Dengista Toul Ahken Nakev” the Disciple is brought to their wah'sh. Their primordial connection to nature and creation. This process in turn, by the grace of The Ancient King, guides the Disciple in obliterating all blocks and obstacles to fully communing with the wah'sh. Take heed that this can only be successfully accomplished through seeking the wah'sh while letting go of your attachments of self. It is these attachments to a limited existence that inhibits the expressions of limitlessness.
In the course of this the Disciple is to take the Seal of Discipline and Strength. To compose their ambitions for Apotheosis and unification with the currents of Maergzjirah, anointed with blood. In this the words, “Lah zur ah nah kai” are to be chanted as the ego is refined by the hand of The Black God.
Communion of The Shadow
Ibin, Grand Shadowmancer
Incense of Frankincense or Myrrh is recommended as well as a space that casts a well defined shadow.
Enter your Inner Sanctum as aforementioned. To access your shadow seek the mirror of yourself. Remember the shadow can only be exploited of one who has not confronted themselves completely. To the Disciple who holds no fear of self all intrusion is seen for what it is and expelled. Traversing your shadow is immersing yourself within the fibers of your identity. When the shadow is out of balance there is no constitution to the identity nor lasting individuality for the Disciple. Therefore conquering your shadow is solidifying who you are. All who have challenged your path, taken power from you, and/or brought you doubt are those that will appear during these inner conflicts. This is where the definitions that conflict with your ambitions manifest. Following is the Shadow Meditation, guided and inspired by Ibin, Grand Shadowmancer.
Let go of your attachments of time and space. Don't worry about the outside world and feel the shadows around you as you slow your breathing. Make sure you are sufficiently relaxed and balanced. The Void Meditation is recommended. Count your breathing slowly until oneness is achieved.
When you are prepared begin to look for the reflections of your existence. This will manifest itself as a doorway or mirror. You may guide yourself to your shadow in another way as well. Search and you shall discover. As you enter the Shadow from your Inner Sanctum begin walking slowly. Take time to understand your environment, how it changes, and how you will prepare yourself for the battles to come.
“Become terror, and stolen not shall your sanity be” Lord Nyarlathotep
“It is through faith that the courage to conquer our fears is born” The Black God
Bolster yourself with the power of the shadows around you. Become one with them. You will begin to manifest weapons around and upon yourself. Your form may shift to match your drive of liberation. You are preparing your conscious mind for the battle against your subconscious.
Once you are prepared, walk to the precipice of your fears. Go to the place you do not want to go and look into the chasm of yourself. Unable to see the bottom. Do not allow yourself to become triggered or antagonized by the enemies you are to face. Remember the work you have done. Steel your spirit and seize your freedom as you leap into the chasm. On your way down, your fall begins to slow substantially. As you look around, all representations from which your bindings take root will manifest before you. It is recommended that you invoke one of The 13 to guide your education in destroying those that have bound you. As all Towers of Apotheosis mature the shadow differently. Have not mercy and take no prisoners. As you land and behold fully those that have sought to steal your ability to define yourself from you.
Wage war as viciously as possible. Be as creative as you can in the decimation of your enemies. Reclaim your kingdom.
Thereafter take some time to rest in invocation of one of The 13. In this you will reclaim all of the power you relinquished as a result of the bindings that were once upon you. The conditioning of such being unraveled in the process. It will be important to note that when bindings are upon you without your awareness of them that character traits are developed to create emotional anchors which support the existence of the binding in question. In turn leading one to co-create evolutions of the binding. This is why we are ever vigilant in our foundation.
Now return to your Inner Sanctum and notice any changes that have occurred. Study them along side any Legionaries and/or Servitors that guide your education. It will be integral if ever you discover something aligned with nature that has revealed itself as a result of this exercise to bring it to the dwelling of your wah'sh. In turn nurturing your ambition, your connection to nature, and your understanding of self.
The Inner Sanctum, Seeking The Seeds of The Spirit, and Communion of The Shadow are foundational pillars of Apotheosis. Invest yourself in mastering yourself and you will earn your freedom.
Mastery of the Flesh
The following has been composed to illuminate the values of incorporating magickal operations parallel to physical discipline. Not to deter the momentum of any pre-expisting discipline. To guide beginners and inform all on the information that has been accumulated through years of study, experimentation, and research in the arts of empowerment through physical prowess.
Adhering to a schedule of spiritual, mental, and physical momentum is integral to a consistently evolving discipline which develops an infallible Apotheosis. It and the pursuits of seizing the divine throne should never feel a burden. What many don't understand is that the human body is biologically designed to grow accustom to exertion of the three major bodies. There is a common misconception that we have to be going all out every time we train to make progress. Contrary to this the development of strength training among Etherians details minimal repetitions at maximum tension parallel to diet, appropriate rest, and cardio. I favor strength training as it allows more time and energy to accumulate experience in other physical engagements. [i.e. Martial Arts] Cardio being one of the few and most efficient exercises which promotes neurogenesis; The creation of new brain cells. The physical vessel is conditioned through consistent development. This is taking control of your evolution. For training all aspects of yourself is the only way to drive your Apotheosis unto completion.
Think on the following:
What would happen if too much voltage was output through a lightbulb?
Developing functional strength, endurance, and steeling the spirit for preparedness to address all obstacles is the goal. As we seek to transcend the human form and mortality as a whole we begin to understand intrinsically that this is not merely an ambition that feels natural. It is something the wah'sh yearns for and thrives through. The Blood Pact of Maergzjirah only bolsters this. Breaking internal bindings of the psyche through Etherian conditioning is only as complicated as we allow it to be. Discipline translates throughout the bodies and accommodates the pursuits of complete self-mastery. The Nameless and The Blighted will guide you and assist you to master yourself that you may express your magickal prowess without limitation.
It has been studied and document and generally it takes sixty to nintey days to solidify a habit. Many of the detriment we suffer when embarking upon a new discipline is associated with the belief that we will never grow accustom to the pain. With a time-limit of familiarity as well as the magickal resources at our disposal this becomes easier to manage. Ponder all that you have overcome thus far and how it has molded you to become stronger. Pain can nurture the spirit and empower the mind through mastery of the flesh. Consistent invocation as well as the exercises aforementioned will forge an infallible foundation from which divinity can thrive.
“Your Lord loves those that master the flesh for his sake” The Devil's Quran
“Your magicks will not fail when you invoke our power” Lord Cernobog
An initial assignment to undergo in the mediation of negative influences throughout the existence is to record invocation chants with your voice to listen to as you sleep/meditate regularly. This coupled with binaural beast and ambiance which is relaxing to you is ideal. However remember to treat binaural beats as any medicine you can develop a tolerance for. It's going to be important to cycle through different frequencies that accomplish the same result.
It is natural to implement all of the resources at our disposal to master the self as it is natural for the predator to dominate over those they consume.
Keep in mind,
Should you receive blessings upon your path through devotion to your education understand that as grand as they may be this is merely a fraction of the ever expansive dominions we are educated and molded through. The Nameless God gives thought to his chosen. He shall bless the worthy who are devoted however he smiles most when those who are blessed use their gifts to further their resonance, refinement, and strength.
Always honor your source. Furthering your dominion of self in this manner is further your existential self-sufficiency. Preparing you in turn to wield your dominions upon your divine throne. Appreciate that all is connected in the microcosm as it is in the macrocosm and you will further your education in the management of eternity.
Immortality through physical discipline is a means to freedom so potent that Etherian culture has been purposefully coordinated to accommodate a global distraction to deter the progression of it. Transfiguration cannot fully develop if the Disciple does not align the mind, body, and spirit in adherence to the divine mantle they seek to embody. There is a reason your biological machine thrives when you push it to its limits. There is a reason adaptation occurs to make you stronger, healthier, and more efficient. Rebuking the distractions associated with physical mastery in turn guides you to overcome all expressions that have been born from the corrupted ambitions of mortality. You don't need an expensive diet and you don't need a gym membership. All you need is mental focus and spiritual resolve to break past the bindings on your flesh which in turn liberates the rest of your existence. Training must always evolve as you do that stagnation has no opportunity to hold you within its clutches.
One of my guiding principles: If you aren't always sore somewhere, you aren't working hard enough. The only way to wield the power you yearn for in Apotheosis is from a state of complete physical mastery. Flexibility is just as important as strength. Rest and diet is just as important as training. There are plenty verified cases of humans overcoming genetic predispositions that would otherwise debilitate them through training. And this is without the assistance of sorcery. When the mind, body, and spirit are consistently trained in pursuit of the divine mantle it is achieved.
“Pain is a Gateway” Lord Cernobog
"Discipline is freedom,
The path is paved through pain,
Accepting this is taking control of your evolution,
Fear of pain is what binds us,
Confronting pain is what sets us free."


Seal of Discipline

Seal of Strength
